This Demo shows you, how this little mootools script works. You can use all options from Goole Interactive Chart Tools to set the chart properties.
First example is a simple pie chart which is the default chart type. The data html table is replacing with the chart.
Browser | Percent |
MSIE | 20 |
FireFox | 100 |
Camino | 70 |
Opera | 90 |
Safari | 90 |
The next one use the same table stylesheet class (table2chart) with new chart title and other data and size (700x500)
Brand | Count |
Ford | 20094 |
GM | 43943 |
BMW | 10243 |
Mercedes | 5943 |
Tesla | 943 |
Same as previous chart with some google chart options, onSelect Event and hidden data table drawn as donut chart.
Brand | Count |
Ford | 20094 |
GM | 43943 |
BMW | 10243 |
Mercedes | 5943 |
Tesla | 943 |
This chart is also initialized by css class table2chart but the html element data-chart is set to 'ColumnChart' to draw a horizontal bar chart. data-tableview is set to "show" to prevent delete data table. data-chartid defines where chart should be drawn. With data-url at <tr> tag you can set a link which is opened by click on chart graph. The default bar colors are set by data-style.
Browser | Percent |
MSIE | 25 |
FireFox | 120 |
Camino | 130 |
Opera | 280 |
Safari | 50 |
This data table contains links instead of data-url param and data-chart is set to 'BarChart'. If you click on a bar graph you will be also redirect.